Claire's tater salad

0 likes 0 comments Recipe by Adeline Levescot

5 or 6 potatoes
1 or 2 cloves finely chopped garlic (or 1 t garlic paste)
1 onion, diced (preferably red)
1 pack of bacon
1 punnet button mushrooms, halved or sliced
White wine
Salt and pepper to taste
4 hardboiled eggs, cut into chunks
1 handful roughly chopped parsley (optional)
Paprika (optional)

Prep. Time → 15 min

Cook Time → 30 min

1. Cut the potatoes into halves or quarters (depending on size). Boil, drain and leave to cool.

2. While the potatoes are cooking, fry the bacon in a large pan. Remove from pan, cut into pieces and set aside.

3. Fry the onions using the bacon grease. Add garlic and fry lightly, then deglaze with a generous slosh of white wine.

4. Add mushrooms and cook liquids down. Season to taste. Mix the bacon back in, then remove from heat and leave to cool.

5. Put fried ingredients in a large bowl with mayonnaise and mix well. Add the potatoes and more mayonnaise and keep folding the ingredients into each other, until the potatoes start to crumble.

6. Fold the eggs in and serve lightly dusted with parsley and paprika.

side dishes, potato salad November 28, 2011 10:22

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Adeline Levescot
“Copywriter. Cheese freak. Cowbell afficionado. Mediavore. Bacon evangelist.”
Cape Town, South Africa!...