Jelly cheesecake recipe

0 piace 0 commenti Ricetta di Mithra

Jelly Cheesecake Recipe di Mithra - Recipefy

500 g cream cheese
80 g butter-melted
170 g jelly crystals
400 ml Water
125 g biscuits

Preparazione → 120 min

Cottura → 0 min

1. Dissolve the lemon jelly crystals in ½ cup boiling water. Whisk the jelly with cream cheese until smooth.
Combine the crushed biscuits and butter. Press into the base of a pan.
Pour the cream cheese filling over the biscuits, and then spread evenly to cover the biscuit base. Refrigerate.
Prepare second packet of jelly according to the packet instructions. Allow to cool, then gently pour over the cream cheese mixture.
Set in fridge for roughly 4 hours or until firm.

dolci, cheesecake, dessert, jelly, recipe March 12, 2018 11:21


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