Matcha cake

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Matcha Cake  di Marie Reed - Recipefy

2 tbsp Organic macha powder
3 eggs
4tbsp low fat Green yogurt
4tbsp date paste
1tbsp honey
1tsp baking power
1/2 tsp baking soda
200 ml soy milk
50 ml water
1tbsp coconut cream
1tbsp organic coconut oil
1tbsp olive oil
1tsp salt
1 3/4 organic spelt flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
A bit of butter or baking spray to batter the baking tin.

Topping (optional)
Pumpkin seeds
Sunflower seeds
Goji berries
Shredded coconut

Preparazione → 45 min

Cottura → 60 min

1. Method:
1. Turning the oven up to 170C (fan force)
2. In a food processor, mix: eggs, soy milk, matcha powder, water, coconut cream, honey, date paste, olive oil, coconut oil and yogurt. Make sure to mix them well before adding the rest of the ingredients into the food processor. If there is matcha powder or flour stuck onto the wall of the food processor, use a spatula to scratch it off and mix again to make sure they are all well blended.
3. Pouring the mixture into the battered baking tin/ mold and sprinkle topping on it.
4. Cooking time is about 55-65 minutes depends on the oven and the size of the baking tin. You can use this recipe to bake muffin but cooking time will be less.

2. Note:
If you like coconut flavor, you can actually use 2 tbsp of coconut oil instead of 1 tbsp olive oil and 1 tbsp coconut oil. It tastes great by itself but if you plan for a cheat day, you can serve these slices warm with cool whipped cream, whipped coconut cream or low fat vanilla ice cream. The process of baking this cake was very rewarding due to its beautiful aroma! The matcha did do justice for its name because I felt very relaxed after having some of it.

3. Enjoy baking and please don’t forget to share your result!

dolci, matcha, green tea powder, matcha cake November 18, 2015 03:02

Autore: Red Leaf Tea ( )

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Marie Reed
44 anni
United States
