Pears in caramel sauce

0 piace 0 commenti Ricetta di Forbidden

Pears in caramel sauce di Forbidden - Recipefy

6 small ripe pears, peeled
250ml white wine
125ml brown sugar
250ml cream
1 tsp vanilla paste (or 2 tsps vanilla essence)

Preparazione → 10 min

Cottura → 20 min

1. Heat wine in medium sized pan, add sugar and bring to gentle simmer

2. Add pears to pan the moment all sugar has dissolved

3. Poach until pears are tender but still firm (not falling apart)

4. Remove pears from syrupy sauce, add cream and vanilla and bring to slow boil

5. Stir gently for about 5min or until sauce is gloriously thick

6. remove from heat and stir the butter into the caramel sauce

7. spoon thick caramel over pears and serve

8. *the recipe doesn't mention how much butter. I usually use a little more than a tablespoon

dolci, caramel, decadent, dessert, homey, pears, white wine November 11, 2012 15:22

Autore: Food and Home Entertainment magazine, October 2012 issue

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