Breakfast pancakes (jamie oliver style)

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Breakfast Pancakes (Jamie Oliver Style) of Ellis Jukes - Recipefy

• 1 cup of self-raising flour
• 1 cup of milk
• 1 egg, preferably free-range or organic
• a pinch of sea salt
• 1 pear
• a few knobs of butter
• natural yoghurt, to serve
• runny honey, to serve

Prep. Time → 2 min

Cook Time → 6 min

1. Put the flour, milk, egg and salt in a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Once combined, grate in the pear, core and all then stir it through with a spoon.

2. Put a large pan on a medium heat and add a knob of butter. Once that melts, add the batter, a spoonful at a time to the hot pan. You’ll need to cook them in batches, cooking them for a few minutes until golden on the bottom, then flipping over and cooking for a few minutes more until they’re done.

3. When they are golden and fluffy, serve them right away with a dollop of natural yoghurt and some runny honey drizzled all over the top.

breakfast, pancakes, jamie oliver December 04, 2011 10:30


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Ellis Jukes
United Kingdom