Glazed chicken breasts.

4 likes 0 comments Recipe by David Le Mottee

Glazed Chicken Breasts. of David Le Mottee - Recipefy

Juice of 1 lemon
4 skinless boneless chicken breasts
salt and freshiy ground black pepper
2-3 teaspoons of smoked paprika
2-3 tablespoons of olive oil
mixed salad, to serve.

Prep. Time → 10 min min

Cook Time → 12 min min

1. Preheat the grill to high or a griddle untill hot.
Squeeze the lemon juice over the chicken
then season and dust with the paprika.

2. Drizzle with the olive oil.
Grill or griddle for 10-12 minutes,turning once,
untill lightiy charred and cooked through.
Serve with salad.

main courses January 04, 2012 09:29

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David Le Mottee
66 years old
Jersey c. i., United Kingdom