Minute steak

5 likes 2 comments Recipe by Mayazemach

Minute Steak of mayazemach - Recipefy

1-1.5 lbs fresh minute steak (about 5 pieces)
2 medium yellow onions sliced
sliced mushrooms
2-3 bay leaves
2 cups of hot water with 2 tablespoons of onion consomme

Cook Time → 180 min

1. Wash steaks and Pat dry. Rub some olive oil and salt and pepper on each side (you can add additional seasonings if you would like, e.g. paprika)
Heat up a a 5qt pot (no oil). Once it is hot sear the meat for about 1-2 minutes on each side to seal in the juices- remove steaks from the pan and cover with foil paper.
Add the onions into the pan (no oil needed because of the oils of the meat. If you need a little just add a tad). Once the onions are browned and sautéed add the sliced mushrooms. stir for a few minutes to get everything nice and brown.
Place the steaks back into the pot with its juices.
Add 2 cups of the Hot water/onion soup consomme mix to the onion/mushroom mixture and bring to a boil. Make sure the meat is covered with the water, otherwise just add in a little more hot water.
Add bay leaves, a little crushed pepper and hungarian paprika (optional). Don't add salt because the consomme is salty. You can always add it at the end.
Once you bring it to a boil, lower heat on simmer, cover and chill out for about 3 hours occasionally stirring and flipping the meat.
You know its ready when you fork the meat and it falls apart because it is so tender and juicy!
Good Luck!

main courses July 22, 2011 19:37

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Lisa Shemtov 12 years ago

maya'le- does it come out like a soup?

Mayazemach 12 years ago

no not at all, after 3 hours it reduces to a thick sauce.. its very good!

Los Angeles, United States