Simple and tasty tomato pasta

3 likes 0 comments Recipe by Jason

8-12 tomato's, 450g conchiglie pasta, 3 garlic cloves, 3 table spoons of oregano, hand full of basil, 120ml extra virgin oil, salt, pepper

Prep. Time → 30 min

Cook Time → 8 min

1. Start by removing the tomato's skin, cut them into 4 and remove the seeds. Further chop them up into small chunks and place them into a bowl.

2. Add finely chopped garlic and basil to the mixture as well as the oregano, salt and pepper.

3. Add the olive oil and gently stir in the mixture.

4. Seal the bowl with cling film. Leave for at least 30 mins.

5. Place pasta in boiling water. Test the pasta so it still has a little bite. (Usually about 8 mins).

6. Drain the pasta and return to pan.

7. Add mixture from bowl to the pan and stir in well.

8. Additional serving with parmesan cheese grated on top and even smoked sausage or ham works well.

main courses, pasta, simple, conchiglie, tomato, fast, tasty July 05, 2011 18:37

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