Strawberry-pear smoothie

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1 cup strawberries
2 medium pears, cored
1 cup blueberries
1 teaspoon soaked chia seeds
3 cups fresh baby spinach, chopped (or other leafy green)
4 to 6 of ounces filtered water

1. Calories: 377 | Fat: 3g (grams) | Protein: 7g | Carbs: 93g | Fiber: 21.0g | Calcium: 15% | Iron: 4.0mg |
Vitamin A: 287% | Vitamin C: 155%

2. Directions:
Add all the ingredients except for the spinach to your blender and hit
the "pulse" button a few times. Next, add the spinach and blend on
high for 30 seconds or until the smoothie is creamy.

bebidas, smoothie, spinach, strawberry, chia May 01, 2013 16:19

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Stella S
Boston, United States