Yummy spinach egg tortilla and side of fruit *

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Yummy Spinach Egg Tortilla and side of Fruit * of Daisy Figueredo - Recipefy

Vegetable Broth (Lower-Sodium & Oil-Free kind).
Whites of 2-3 Large Eggs.
2 Whole Wheat Tortillas.
Handful of Spinach.
Dash of All Purpose Seasoning. (I use the brand Goya Adobo - Lower Sodium)
Black Pepper.
Bowl of Grapes, or a Banana or a sliced Apple.

1. I heat up the pan in Low-Med heat and add a bit of Vegetable Broth.

2. While that is warming up I get a bowl, crack my eggs and remove the yolks.

3. Add in a few dashes of the all purpose seasoning, black pepper and any other spices you would like. Then scramble the egg whites.

4. I like to finely chop the Spinach and then mix it into the egg whites and place the egg white mixture into the pan,

5. While the eggs are setting up I get my Apple, wash any wax off and then slice it up and put it into another bowl. You can use any other fruit that you like. Grapes or a ripe Bananas taste great with it as well.

6. Flip over the Eggs and as they are getting closer to being done, warm up the Tortilla. I use a microwave for 15 seconds for speed but heating it up in another pan with no oil is fine as well.

7. Once it's all cooked, place the eggs inside the Tortilla and serve.

main courses, banana, eggs, spinach, vegetarian, healthy, apple, grape, whole wheat, tortilla, quick, vegetable broth April 10, 2011 12:42

Author Daisy Torres

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Daisy Figueredo
“Hello I'm Daisy and I'm a very busy american college student who loves quick & easy healthy recipes. Here you can find my tested & favorite vegan, vegetarian and other whole foods recipes.”
36 years old
Miami, United States